Art, Ritual & Mentorship
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Hey there, I’m Kristina Casarez.
Your design guide and thought partner! Who spends most of her time helping creatives ignite their creativity for personal + collective healing.
We don’t do cookie cutter.
Yoo+Mee helps you develop a truer understanding of yourself, who you’re meant to serve, and how to visually communicate it with the world.
Heart-Centered Design
Are you grounded in your sacred purpose & vision?
Do you know who your dream clients are?
Are you ready for creative guidance?
work with Kristina
We’ll do a deep dive into your life experiences to reveal your dharma as expressed through the 5 major archetypes of your voice and brand.
Our branding process allows you to understand you’re unique layers through archetypes. I find visuals that stem from the archetype work, all the way down to each color on your palette.
Explore tools, training and community to support and nourish your personal and professional expansion.
Our Process
You have an amazing idea that you want to make happen or EXPAND. It feels like pure magic! How you encountered it, all the wonderful synchronicities telling you to just DO IT. You’re ready now to share it with the world.
But you’re TERRIFIED of making the wrong moves or of making mistakes, because it’s your dream and dreams are precious. And you need more clarity. A connection to your highest truth.
You’ve come to the right place. You’re about to embark on a journey of “becoming”, of experiencing deep abundance and fulfillment. My process will help you feel connected, inspired, and grounded. Together, we’ll amplify the power of standing in your truth.
Expand your reach and voice by getting clear on understanding and embodying your truth and how it relates to your business
Receive practical tools in inner healing and question prompts to propel your mission and vision forward; blend: Get clarity that guides your everyday work
Tell your story authentically with visual imagery that completely captures who you are, your uniqueness and sacred purpose/offer that represents your creative vision
Bravely telling your story through a unique lens that incorporates every single part of who you are.
Get help streamlining processes and workflows to navigate and find solutions for the best user experiences on your digital platforms
Own your design platform so that you feel 100% confident in what you are selling, who you are here to serve, and how you are unique in your vision + proposition
The Heartist Digital Portal
Our Newest Community Offering
The Heartist Way is all about heart-centered creativity and community. This community is a place for you to connect your inner yearning to create with your heart - where your truth resides.
The Heartist Portal is for awakened, soul-centered entrepreneurs and creatives that are ready to propel their mission and vision forward. They are ready to prioritize excitement and joy, have a strong reliable intuition, and gather tools to remain calm and grounded in wisdom, even in the midst of chaos.
I struggled with naming my business for a while. Then I had an amazing dream one night, where my Grandmother visited me and whispered…”you & me.” I remember waking up thinking THAT’S IT!! I loved how it represented a continuous connection between two people. That was exactly what I wanted to foster, a DEEPER DESIGN COMMUNITY + CONNECTION. Fast forward a couple of days later as I am reading a book on the Yaqui tribes, (my ancestors on my Grandmother’s side), and I see the first word translated in their language in capital letters : “YOEME” which means “THE PEOPLE” I was in AWE! In awe of how the universe conspires to meet us in moments when we choose to see the magical synchronicities. No matter how long, in the physical or spiritual world OUR ANCESTORS ARE ALWAYS WITH US. GUIDING US.
Branding has gotten so formulaic & the market is saturated with the same design templates. YooMee is not just branding 101. Your soul is your truth, and your truth in the most spiritual form. It’s the connection between the divine and human side of you, this simultaneous living as a human and also being part of something bigger. Our process allows you to understand you’re unique layers through archetypes. This is part of soul branding, always coming back to who you are. Nothing is contrived from being someone else. The branding, words, visuals all represents you rather than just a “check off the box” approach. I find visuals that stem from the archetype work, all the way down to each color on your palette. We also go into the connection of who you are and how you want your brand to feel like, how you want your customers to feel. Every part of the process is connected to the reciprocal relationship - who you are and who you are here to be in service to.
When I work I am always coming from a place that is pure to who I am. What I see in other people is their true essence. This requires connecting to myself and being so honest about who I am so that I can recognize unique qualities in others. In many ways it’s like having a mirror relationship with someone. I believe that if you're truly embodied in your heart, you can do it for other people. This is what intuition is: tapping deeply into yourself so that nothing is outside of you.
This concept plays on the 'heart' and 'artist' terminology. An heartist is an alchemist. Someone who can create from a space that alchemizes all that is around them and within. When we create from this space there is no lack. There is always enough and we are always enough because of it. This resonates with me and my business because I found that working in the corporate world, there was no desire or value placed on designing from a connected, love-filled space. That if you weren’t being UBER productive you were not of value. YooMee allows me to move beyond branding that’s focused on profit and pleasing merchandise and instead focus on connecting to the heart. I’ve found that as an artist I naturally go there, and am always striving to come back to creating from a space of pureness of who my clients are and what they’re here to do. I’ve found that my clients have their own revelations through this process, which makes the work incredibly fulfilling.
If you need help uncovering your sacred purpose & unique gifts, we got you! We will learn how to ground, receive divine messaging, and learn how to use our intuition to reveal what your unique blueprint looks like. Booking a 1:1 Guided Clarity Sessions help us learn techniques to ground and get into a magical connection to our calling & the work we are here to create. A session will bring you back to self, tap into your authentic power, and support you with allies and ancient tools to help you shine.
Most of my clients live all over the country, so work can be done in person or online. YooMee is based in the Bay Area, CA, so we’ll develop an arrangement that works best for your needs.
I want to be accessible throughout the entire process. I want you to feel seen and heard. I also want the process to also be fun, and inviting to re-discover who you truly are and embrace it with 100% confidence! I like to mix my hard working drive, elevated aesthetic point of view, and warm personality to feel like you are held during the process by a new friend for life that can help you evolve and grow on their entrepreneurial journey. My hope is that an initial project becomes an invitation to continue working together!
“The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.”

Rituals instruct, mobilize and welcome us into the present moment. Please enjoy this free invitation to create your own simple rituals to cultivate a calm, steady mind.